The Artist

Artist Statement and Bio

Lisa M. Sibley is a Lens-Based artist, Fine Art Photographer, educator, and juror. 

Her photographic works investigate identity and its relationship to nostalgia. Sometimes playful, often contemplative, intimate and emotive;  Lisa finds a connectedness to nature while exploring memory, space, place, time, landscape and the Other while constructing visual stories.

Informed by the works of Minor White, Gerhard Richter, Shimon Attie, and Duane Michaels, her processes include projection of vernacular family photographs, double exposure, photomontage, self-portraiture, alternative processes in film and digital photography, encaustic and a healthy dose of mindfulness and serendipity.

There is a distinct childhood nostalgia conjured from the Florida landscape and watching the strength of Mother Nature during many hurricane seasons.  The mighty pine bends to the earth, yet doesn’t break; the lush palmetto fields provide food and shelter to various animals and insects. Lisa’s work is meant to evoke a nostalgic lost Florida feeling and connect the landscapes of the past with the current preservations.

Her work has been exhibited locally and internationally.

She is a MFA graduate from Lesley University College of Art and Design, Cambridge, MA and an Eckerd College PEL Alum.

Lisa grew up in Pinellas County, where she continues to live and work, serendipitously traipsing through landscapes, kayaking in search of abstract imagery and being RaRa to three fabulous humans.